Bad Apple
Get ready to feel like a rockstar!
Click any of the buttons below to help you navigate the page. Have fun!
Streaming or Downloading
Stream and have fun.
As soon as you click on the orange button, you’ll be automatically taken to a screen that shows a track list like the photo.
From here you can click the white play button on each track to stream the play-along directly from the website.
Streaming is a great option for many people and is what most of my own students prefer:
No downloading necessary
Doesn’t take up any memory or space on your device
You can stream from anywhere and with any device with an internet connection
Download for
To download the files directly on your device, click the orange Download button. That’ll redirect you to a Google Drive folder where you can download the files.
All audio files are in mp3 format, and are compressed into a .zip files. These do take up space on your device so be sure: you have enough memory*, know where your download folder is on your device, and are familiar with opening .zip files.
*File size for the different versions (Ensemble Accompaniments, Spotlight, etc.) can range anywhere from 30-150 megabytes.
The Tracks
Fun from Practice to Performance.
Ensemble Accompaniment
Ensemble tracks feature a full band of professional musicians performing the songs at full speed. (Great for reference recordings or playing with the track without the pressure of being a soloist.)
Spotlight Accompaniment
These tracks feature a professional rhythm section without piano so that you can be the star of the show. (Perfect for recitals, festivals, and other performances.)
80% Speed Practice Track
These tracks feature a full professional band at 80% speed without any pitch changes for student accessibility.
60% Speed Practice Track
These tracks feature a full professional band at 60% speed without any pitch changes for student accessibility.
Solo Piano Track
This track is the solo piano recording without the band at full tempo.
Performance Video
Here’s a video with three layers: a sheet music layer to follow along, a digital keyboard layer to visualize the notes on the keyboard, and an overhead camera layer to see a real performer play the piece.
Tips from the Composer
This video is full of helpful tips, tricks, and a little background about the piece from the composer themselves.
Help section
We’re more than happy to help you solve any technical issue or answer any questions you have!
Email me personally at: