High quality, locally printed physical books delivered straight to you and or your student. These physical books are larger than standard 8.5x11 for the best reading experience.
Coming soon to Kindle Books, Apple iBooks and Google Playstore!
A digital studio license available for immediate download to use with a single studio and all of the current studio students. Standard 8.5x11 paper size to print at your home or your studio.
100% free teacher resources like theory worksheets, scale exercises, ear training, improvisation ideas for lessons. and more.
What makes My-Melodies unique?
Well, besides the hyphen:
We set out to make piano books that we would’ve loved as students.

Music that students are actually excited about.
Every student, young and old, wants to fast forward to songs they know and love.
Our books are 100% original compositions but are inspired by the sounds and styles students want to play and written at a level they can feel confident with.
It’s a win-win for both teachers and students!
From jazz to pop, rock, contemporary, songs that sound classical, and everything in -between we’ve got your back!
Even the pickiest students are sure to find pieces they love.
Yup, it almost sounds too good to be true, right?
I’m a strong believer that students can play more difficult music if it’s given to them in a way they can understand.
We have sheet music samples and full audio samples of EVERY song in our books. Feel free to look for yourself!
Most of our pieces are based around doing interesting things with five-finger positions and penta-scales. Many of the popular method books do the same thing.
It makes the pieces easy to learn, and fun to play! Getting students excited about learning, and having fun with lessons is NEVER a bad thing.
Students definitely judge books by their cover.
The answer is yes.
But really, I wanted to make books I would’ve loved as a student myself. That means cool covers, and fun music at just the right level.
Absolutely not! I can’t draw a stick figure on a good day, but luckily I’ve found some very talented friends who are remarkable artists. See the names down below to learn a little more about them and visit their websites!
François Vigneault is an American-born cartoonist, and author living in Québec. He was the artist and designer for all of Brock Chart’s books, the Five-Finger Jazz series, the Five-Finger Pop series, and the Five-Finger Rock series.
I originally told Francois that I wanted the books to look like comics. Wow did he take that idea and run with it! He has always been a true joy to work with and he’s turned my silly idea into something I could never have dreamed of.
Please visit François’s website to see more of his artwork and to learn more about him! https://francois-vigneault.com/fr/
Faith is a Designer & Art Director based in Brooklyn. She was the artist and designer for Kai Ono’s piano books, For the Little Birds and For the Birds.
Kids, adults, and everyone in-between are drawn towards her artwork. They are truly stunning, and can hold their own in any museum. We’re so lucky to work with her!
Please visit Faith’s website to see more of her artwork and to learn more about her! https://www.faithkaufman.com

Fun from Practice to Performance!
The pop and rock play-along band.
How do you make someone feel like a rockstar?
Play with other rockstars!
Every track in our books was professionally recorded by REAL Kansas City studio musicians and comes with 2 Performance Tracks and 2 Practice Tracks so students can feel like a rock star every step of the way from the practice room to the stage.
Scan and play. It’s as easy as that!
How-To Section in case you need help navigating the page and the resources
Four Play-Along Tracks with REAL musicians: Two Performance Tracks and Two Practice Tracks.
A Performance video: These are great reference recordings and are layered videos so students can see the sheet music, overhead view of a real pianist and a light up keyboard visualizer.
A Composer Tutorial video: These are kind of like getting a one on one lesson with the composer themselves.
The video here will show you how Scan and Play works with our books. Simply find a song to play, scan the QR code with your device, and you’re off to headline at Woodstock!
Every song has its own unique QR that directs you to a page full of resources for students:
Try it out yourself!
And yes, every song in these books has their own unique QR code and resource page.
Have fun exploring the page and definitely check out the play-along tracks!
What teachers are saying!
Help section
Need help with something?
We’re more than happy to help you solve any technical issue or answer any questions you have!
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